A new culture strategy was adopted at the city council meeting on 30 January 2019, with the slogan “Creating Space for Culture”, and focusing on cultural development in the city between now and 2030. The cultural sector will now take the lead in developing plans for implementing said strategy.

The Chemnitz Culture Strategy 2018 to 2030 promotes cultural integration on three levels. At an individual level, it identifies and safeguards the cultural interests of residents, with the aim of making culture accessible to all communities across the city. At a city level, it drives forward the development of guidelines for city-wide projects and promotes consideration of social issues in the context of urban development. At a European level, the strategy is designed to embed the city of Chemnitz in the wider national and international cultural landscape.

The approach is based on facilitating access to culture. It aims to optimise interaction between participants, promote effective networking and professionalise the cultural sector through further training.

The strategy has six core themes:

  • Modern life in Chemnitz
  • Make space! Creating the prerequisites, developing funding models
  • Industrial culture
  • Culture and the creative economy as drivers
  • Cultural education
  • Cultural communication, cultural marketing and international collaboration

Read the full document here.

Read the short version here.

Background and further information:

Starting in 2016, six core areas were identified in a wide-ranging, dynamic process, with the aim of producing medium-term guidelines for the period up to 2030. The Culture Committee agreed the key points of focus (document no. B-154/2018) for the Culture Strategy on 31 May 2018. Public consultation on document B-154/2018 was undertaken at the Culture Strategy Debate Day event on 3 May 2018 and suggestions and ideas were taken into account as the strategy was developed. On the basis of this, Culture Strategy stakeholders worked to evaluate proposed measures in the core areas and develop them in more detail by August 2018 for inclusion in the full document, City of Chemnitz Culture Strategy for the Years 2018 to 2030.

Around 150 individuals were involved in developing the Culture Strategy. These were largely volunteers, working in subject groups, workshops and future labs. The process as a whole was coordinated by a steering group, led by cultural sector representatives. The results were consolidated by the editorial team, which then put the texts together.