Chemnitz 2040. What’s the city gonna look like then? The Chemnitz strategy will pursue this question in an intensive participatory process by the end of next year.

The application for the Capital of Culture is a milestone in this process. But of course not the whole answer.

For this reason, the inaugural event of the Chemnitz strategy took place in Tietz on 27 March.

On a 3×4 meter aerial photograph of Chemnitz, the participants marked with colored adhesive dots where they were moving in Chemnitz. Where do they work? Where do they live? Where is their favourite place? It shows that the life of the people of Chemnitz takes place mainly in the city centre.

Furthermore, the participants thought about the big questions to be answered by 2040. Among other things, this resulted in the important topics:

<Social infrastructure: international schools, secure education for children without teacher shortages, balance between progress and social justice, medical care centres close to the homes.
<Mobility: sustainable transport by bus, train and bicycle, improved sidewalks
<Strong urban greenery and sustainable living
<Strong self-awareness of city dwellers towards their city

At the end of the event, one thing is clear: the people of Chemnitz want to help shape the future. They have ideas, are creative and are prepared to participate in urban development until 2040.

Photos: Kristin Schmidt