Some already know it, others suspect it: Capital of Culture is something really big! And also in the sense of extensive and complex – see the 150-page application book. And it is precisely this that is now to be implemented. It’s not easy to get all the concepts, ideas, demands and proposals off the ground. And above all: with all the new things that are coming our way and with so many things that are already starting to develop: not to lose sight of the goal!

This is precisely why we have been working on a document over the last few weeks that concentrates and summarises the essence of our concern as Capital of Culture: the “Chemnitz 2025 Manual – Strategic Foundations for a European Capital of Culture of the Makers“. It contains all the cornerstones, principles and approaches that make up Chemnitz2025. Their implementation will thus bring our story “C the Unseen – European Makers of Democracy” to life.


In this way, the handbook should serve all those who are working intensively on the Capital of Culture project: the GmbH itself, the supervisory board, the city administration, the cultural region, the project partners and many other current and future stakeholders and comrades-in-arms. It also helps us to communicate our project internationally: to other Capitals of Culture, political decision-makers, academics and anyone else who is interested in our project.

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