Our circle of friends Chemnitz 2025 was on the way and sent us this nice report afterwards:

European Capital of Culture 2025 – Chemnitz has no chance! On 25 September, seven friends of Chemnitz’ Capital of Culture application set out on this delicate mission on morning trams across the city. The aim was to talk to Chemnitz*women about the topic Capital of Culture, who don’t come to the “Capital of Culture” on their own initiative, and this succeeded very well. The résumé that could be drawn after three hours of driving and more than 70 talks in both teams was

    <More than three-quarters of the people contacted have already heard something about Chemnitz' application for the title of European Capital of Culture 2025.

    <Of these people who are informed about it, more than 80% support this application, complete rejection was rather the exception.

The most common criticisms that give the city few opportunities include: too little going on for different age groups, no nightlife, poor infrastructure – lack of long-distance train connections, ruins in the outskirts that affect the cityscape. However, the fact that some points of criticism can be raised during the application process has led to positive reactions to the application, for example: to give free space to young creative people who are now lacking, to give up control or to provide for a better educational culture (schools and day-care centres). The people of Chemnitz* also see many positive aspects. There is the chance to make the city better known in a positive sense, to bring even more creative people to Chemnitz, to find better and more open communication in the city society. Due to the already realized urban redevelopment and the demolition of the buildings, the Heckert-area (districts Hutholz and Kappel) could be greened considerably more, which leads to a better quality of life. Especially the urban development was given great importance by some interviewees during the application process.

direct contact to the circle of friends: www.freundeskreis-chemnitz-2025.de