Songs of (In)Security

The first security conference of former East Germany

Ein großes, graues, mit einer Plane bedecktes Objekt in einem Außenbereich ist mit Ketten und einem Vorhängeschloss dargestellt. Der Hintergrund zeigt einen blauen Himmel mit Wolken, teilweise Bäume und eine Reihe weißer Türen oder Garagen. Die Umgebung suggeriert einen ruhigen, offenen Bereich.
Ein großes, graues, mit einer Plane bedecktes Objekt in einem Außenbereich ist mit Ketten und einem Vorhängeschloss dargestellt. Der Hintergrund zeigt einen blauen Himmel mit Wolken, teilweise Bäume und eine Reihe weißer Türen oder Garagen. Die Umgebung suggeriert einen ruhigen, offenen Bereich.
Photo: Peter Rossner / Illustration: Ines Eisinger (Bikini Kommando)

The word “garage” comes from the French and means “to keep something safe”. Chemnitz has a particularly high density of garages – does that mean it has an especially high need for security? If so, what exactly is being protected behind these wooden gates and corrugated iron walls?

Director Tanja Krone knocks on the doors of garage owners, police headquarters, security companies, places of worship, and the people she used to party with 30 years ago. She asks, how do we find inner security in uncertain times? The conversations turn into a performance; the many voices turn into songs. What ensues is a negotiation about security in Chemnitz new and old – the first security conference in the former East.

When? June 6, 2025 to June 8, 2025

Where? Garage yard, Harthweg 7, Chemnitz



Dancing neighbours: dance classes for older people (Group 1)

Begegnungsstätte der Volkssolidarität

Elderly people Education

Dancing neighbours

Soul Studios

Elderly people Dance

Exhibition "Schalen" by Young-Jae Lee at St Jakobikirche Chemnitz

St Jacob's Church Chemnitz

Exhibition Church of Culture

Artwork "PETRIFIED WOOD CIRCLE" by Richard Long in Freiberg Cathedral

St Mary's Cathedral


Exhibition Silberglanz & Kumpeltod

smac - State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz, Stefan-Heym-Platz 1, 09111 Chemnitz

Exhibition Main programme

"Ersatzteillager" by Martin Maleschka

Museum für sächsische Fahrzeuge

Exhibition Main programme

Exhibition "Schalen" by Young-Jae Lee at St Jakobikirche Chemnitz

St Jacob's Church Chemnitz

Exhibition Church of Culture

Artwork "PETRIFIED WOOD CIRCLE" by Richard Long in Freiberg Cathedral

St Mary's Cathedral


Film series "Focus2025: Generations" - Der Marianengraben

Kino Metropol

Elderly people Movie

Exhibition Silberglanz & Kumpeltod

smac - State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz, Stefan-Heym-Platz 1, 09111 Chemnitz

Exhibition Main programme

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.