A video project by Klaus Pobitzer

Photo: Peter Rossner

The artist Klaus Pobitzer created digital drawings using hundreds of photos of otherwise inaccessible garages. He edited the drawings using AI and assembled them into a video installation which is projected into a garage. On display are: neat and messy stacks of tools, household appliances, and personal items as well as imaginary objects and creatures. The items reflect the material history of the former GDR, its transition to a consumer society and the creative potential of its people.

The project is being realisedwith the support of the Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin and the Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol Deutsche Kultur.

Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka

Ann-Kathrin Ntokalou
Curatorial Assistant & Project Manager

Michelle Auerbach
Project Assistant

Together with the artist Klaus Pobitzer, the #3000Garages team is launching a call for garage photos. We are looking for photos of empty, half-full and full garages for the video installation! Send the photos in maximum resolution by e-mail to 3000garagen(at) 

Call for garage photos

Now the artist needs your help: many photographs of empty, half-full and full garages are needed for the work. They all have to be taken from the same perspective so that the film looks as if it shows many landscapes in one and the same garage. the #3000Garages team is therefore launching a call for garage photos together with the artist.


Dear Chemnitz garage users,

as part of the preparations for Chemnitz 2025, European Capital of Culture, we are pleased to arouse your interest in the #3000Garages project and invite you to participate. The aim is to create an extensive collection of garage photographs that will later serve as the basis for artistic drawings and a film. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to optimise your photos:

  • Send us photos of your garage. It doesn't have to be particularly photogenic, each garage has its own character which can be shown to good advantage in the work.
  • Choose a time of day with good natural lighting, ideally in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid harsh shadows.

  • Use a camera that can take photos in high resolution. Make sure that the camera is set to the highest possible resolution. The photos can also be taken with a mobile phone camera.
  • A tripod will provide stability and help to level the camera accurately, but another support or a steady hand will also suffice
  • The camera should be positioned centrally and in the middle of the garage to ensure a symmetrical shot.

  • Framing: Make sure that the garage is completely visible in the image section. The focus should be on the garage, without any distracting elements in the foreground or background.
  • Exposure: Ensure that the lighting is even. If the garage is empty and dark, use additional light sources or a longer exposure time.
  • Focus: The focus should be sharply on the garage to bring out details clearly and distinctly.

Editing: Minimalist post-processing can be used to adjust brightness and contrast. However, avoid excessive editing that distorts the natural appearance of the garage.

  • File format: Save the images in JPEG or TIFF format.
  • Transmission: Send the photos in maximum resolution by e-mail to 3000garagen(at)
  • Transfer of rights: By submitting your images, you assign all rights to the photos to the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH. No further claims can be asserted.

We would like to thank you for your participation and commitment. Your photos will play an important role in the artistic design of our project.

We look forward to your creative contributions and are excited to see the diverse views of the garages from Chemnitz and the surrounding area. Thank you for your support and your interest in our cultural project.


European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).