Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG
Goldsponsor for Chemnitz 2025
As part of the Schwarz Group, based in Neckarsulm, the food retailer Lidl is one of the leading food retail groups in Germany and Europe. In Germany, around 100,000 employees in over 3,250 shops and 39 administrative and goods distribution centres ensure customer satisfaction. The first Lidl shop opened in Chemnitz right at the time of reunification in September 1990, and ten shops in the European Capital of Culture now supply the people of Chemnitz with fresh food at the usual low Lidl prices.
As a discounter, Lidl attaches great importance to offering its customers the best value for money. Simplicity and process-orientation determine its daily activities. Lidl assumes responsibility for society and the environment and focusses on six key topics in the area of sustainability: Protecting the climate, respecting biodiversity, conserving resources, acting fairly, promoting health and engaging in dialogue.
Friedrich Fuchs, Chairman of the Management Board of Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG:‘As a local supplier, we have been contributing to the attractiveness and quality of life in the region for over 30 years. We are therefore all the more pleased to support the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz. Together, we want to promote the creative potential of Chemnitz and strengthen the city as a vibrant cultural centre.’