Since 17 January, portraits of over 160 Chemnitz garage owners have been hanging in 50 shops in the city. We spoke to the photographer about her exhibition Member's Assembly.
Mrs Sturm, your pictures are portraits of Chemnitz garage owners. How did you find the people you show?
Maria Sturm: Meeting the garage owners in Chemnitz was an organic process. On the one hand, I travelled to various garage yards and spoke to people directly in front of their garages. These encounters often resulted in spontaneous and intensive conversations, because garages are personal refuges for many people where they can pursue their thoughts and projects. On the other hand, the #3000Garages team played an important role, as they put people in touch with garage owners they already knew from their previous work in the garage yards. This mixture of spontaneous encounters and targeted mediation enabled me to show a broad spectrum of garage culture in Chemnitz - from the everyday to the unusual stories hidden behind these doors.
It was particularly important for me to build up a relationship of trust. The openness of the people and their trust in allowing me to immerse myself in their private worlds made it possible to create authentic and personal portraits.