Opening planting festival "Awakening": "Rise like an apple tree. An ESC Lookalike"

In the main project "Living Neighbourhood", the second planting festival celebrates "new beginnings" and opens with lots of glitter, charisma and various emotions.

Event information

Date & Time

entrance free

The planting festival on the theme of "Awakening" will open with European presentations in the main project "Living Neighbourhood". Under the title 'Rise like an apple tree. An ESC Lookalike', Chemnitz stage versions of European highlights from the history of the Eurovision Song Contest can be seen, heard and ultimately celebrated - with plenty of glitter, charisma and diverse emotions.

As part of the main project Living Neighbourhood and in cooperation with the Diversity Programme of Chemnitz European Capital of Culture 2025, Chemnitz residents will present selected European Song Contest cover versions. All technically easily realisable stage shows are possible: lip-synching performances, dress-up catwalks and much more. We will bring the special features from the history of the annual European Song Contest into the present and celebrate the Starlight moments together.

Admission is from 6 pm. Seating is limited. It's worth coming early.

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Sensitive environment

The environment is non-discriminatory thanks to sensitised staff.

Barrier-free travel by public transport

Travelling to the venue is barrier-free using public transport.

Barrier-free parking spaces available

Marked parking spaces are available near the entrance.

Barrier-free toilet

The toilet is barrier-free and wheelchair-accessible.

Accessible by wheelchair

No stairs can be expected, a ramp is available if necessary.

Planting Festival: Awakening

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.