05 March - 16 April 2025:
Wednesday - Saturday 12-17 h
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Michael Endlicher was born in 1960 in Vienna. After studying business administration, he worked for several years as a copywriter and project manager. In the mid-1990s, he began his artistic career. Michael Endlicher is known for his poetic metal plates, large-scale text installations, videos, and performances, in which he interprets his socially critical litanies. He deals with language as the original medium of truth. The individual letter becomes iconic painting.
Regarding his intervention R W H, he writes: RWH stands for the homonymous Aramaic word, spoken Ruach (in Hebrew: Ruah), and is widely used in the ancient Orient. It is translated as 'spirit' or 'moving air,' but also as a breeze, breath, life force, and even the breath of God. The tendency of the meanings has likely shifted from the 'fiery' = warlike breath of God to the life-creating breath – perhaps this also suggests a shift in meaning towards a more peaceful world.
Greeting: Constance Arndt, Mayor of the City of Zwickau
Artistic Introduction: Alexander Ochs, Curator of the Purple Path, the art and sculpture trail of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025