Please register in pairs; in case of single-registration, help in finding a partner will be provided. In this instance, please contact info(at)
The aim is to have a comfortable and flexible abrazo for every occasion. In this course, the limits of the abrazo are extended with very simple basic figures to achieve a greater variety of musical interpretations.
Jenna Polvi is a passionate tango teacher specialising both in Argentinian and Finnish styles of tango. Her versatile background includes dance styles such as show-, jazz- and contemporary dance with team gymnastics. Her first profession is in physiotherapy. Jenna is a clear, present, and warm teacher who bases her teaching strongly on kinesthetics and biomechanics, without forgetting team spirit and joy.
Vilhelmiina Sinervo is a Finnish circus artist passionate about Argentinian tango. Her profession as a slack rope balancer gives her a great somatic knowledge about axis and management of weight-shifting. Vilhelmiina represents Association Tango aMoroso ry , which is an Association of Argentinian tango and folklore from Tampere. Tampere is the twin town of Chemnitz.
There will be an additional discounted package for all workshops from 22 - 23 March 2025.