Education Families Young People Children Creative offer Reading Lecture Workshop German

Travelling together - a story festival for children

Travelling together - A story festival for children invites children and parents to listen and write in the central library in the TIETZ.

Event information

Date & Time



Chemnitz, City Library / Central Library in the TIETZ

entrance free of charge

The winter holidays are just around the corner - time to plan some big trips! And, as we all know, the best journeys take place in the imagination. For one day, Chemnitz City Library will be transformed into a large travel agency of the imagination. Four authors and illustrators will present their books about travelling in readings: It's off on a wild bike ride with a dinosaur and on a fire brigade adventure, into the spooky Bammelwald forest and back in time. Each reading is followed by a workshop that invites the children to think up their own travel story and put it down on paper with words and/or pictures.

more information


Barrier-free travel by public transport

Travelling to the venue is barrier-free using public transport.

Barrier-free parking spaces available

Marked parking spaces are available near the entrance.

Barrier-free toilet

The toilet is barrier-free and wheelchair-accessible.

Accessible by wheelchair

No stairs can be expected, a ramp is available if necessary.

Accessible website

Digital information pages are compatible with screen readers and easy to use for blind users.

No stroboscopic effects

No stroboscopic effects are used.

Assistance dog welcome

It is possible to bring an assistance dog.

Accompanying person free

Holders of a disabled person's pass can bring one accompanying person free of charge.


The micro-projects are intended to provide stimuli for new cultural formats or encounters in Chemnitz and the Capital of Culture Region. The broad urban and regional society is called upon to create forms of communication and social interaction. The funding programme has been in place for several years and is part of the main programme of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025.

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.