Education Dialogue Reading German

What does the war in Ukraine mean for us?

Observations by city writers Ira Peter and Sonya Winterberg

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Date & Time



Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

entrance free

Every year, the City Writers Programme of the German Cultural Forum for Eastern Europe enables writers to spend several months in a city in Central and Eastern Europe with special links to Germany. In 2021, Ira Peter was in Odessa, the Ukrainian harbour city on the Black Sea, and experienced the reality of the war that Russia had already unleashed in eastern Ukraine in 2014. 

Sonya Winterberg was in Memel/Klaipėda, the Lithuanian harbour town on the Baltic Sea, in 2022 and observed the Lithuanian population's resolute support for Ukraine immediately after the invasion of Russian troops. In an interview with Nikita Filippenkov, the two journalists report on their impressions and discuss the significance of the war for us in Germany.

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Accompanying person free

Holders of a disabled person's pass can bring one accompanying person free of charge.

Ticketing service

Tickets can be purchased without barriers.

Leselust goes Europe

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.