Corina Gertz: The averted portrait

The Ore Mountains meet the world in a photo exhibition

A person in traditional pilgrim attire, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat and white tunic, stands with their back to the camera. They hold a lantern in one hand and a two-pronged fork in the other against a dark background.
A person in traditional pilgrim attire, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat and white tunic, stands with their back to the camera. They hold a lantern in one hand and a two-pronged fork in the other against a dark background.
Photo: Corina Gertz

Corina Gertz lives in Düsseldorf and photographs women in unique traditional costumes and attire – from the back. She has traveled the world doing so, including Europe, East and South Asia, and Africa. She was recently in Cuba for several weeks. In her posterior portraits, she creates images of immense beauty and visible cultural difference. In 2023 she traveled the Ore Mountains and for the first time put men in front of the lens, specifically representatives of different mountain brotherhoods in ornate traditional habits. Gertz’s perspective on the world’s colors, people’s work, and their celebrations becomes a lasting experience in a very special region of Europe.

12 April, 16:30

Technisches Museum, Siebenschlehener Pochwerk, Lindenauer Str. 22, 08289 Schneeberg I Admission: free

Opening hours on the opening weekend: 13 April: 10:00-17:00 I Admission: 3 € I reduced 2.5 € I family 6 or 8 € I students/pupils 2 € I up to 6 years free


European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.