What does a new European electronic music that emerges of its own accord out of the personalities of its creators sound like? Radical? Melancholy? Deconstructed? Reconstructed? A mixture of all these things? For over a century, Europe has been a pioneer of avant-garde electronic music. »Avant-garde« simply means being ahead of your time and daring to do things that have not yet been imagined, achieved or heard. The international label raster-media has launched an open call for bold new concepts and compositions and groundbreaking recorded music of all genres. The 20 best submissions will get the opportunity to have their music produced professionally and will also enrich the city with performances and concerts at exciting venues in 2025. Together they will make up SOUNDTRACK EUROPE 20 — 25.
When? From 1. March 2025 until 31. March 2025
Where? Digital, playout in 2025 in Chemnitz