Art and culture have the power to initiate lasting changes in the world we live in. In Chemnitz and the region, we are experiencing this at first hand. The European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 will set an example, bring people together and make topics visible that are also important beyond the borders of Chemnitz and Saxony.
With your help, it will be possible to set further accents in this endeavour. Even more importantly, it will help to mark Western Saxony even more clearly on the European map as a liveable and efficient region on the border between Eastern and Western Europe. You are therefore also investing in the future of an attractively located industrial region.
Contact person:
Sybille Sonntag
Marketing & Sponsoring
European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH
via e-mail: partner(at)chemnitz2025.de
via contact form
Sponsorship packages
Take part in the European Capital of Culture 2025!your support in the form of financial, in-kind, media or logistics services will contribute to a successful Capital of Culture year. in return, in addition to the official title of sponsor, you will receive visibility on our communication channels, Capital of Culture benefits for your employees and customers and much more.
For customised cooperation opportunities and sponsorship on a larger scale, please contact us directly.
Allianz Beratungs- und Vertriebs-AG – Geschäftsstelle Chemnitz
CEWUS Chemnitzer Werkstoff- und Oberflächentechnik GmbH
Hotel Forsthaus Grüna Betreiber GmbH
IKEA Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
LEITERMANN GmbH & Co. Fachmarkt KG
MIB AG Immobilien und Beteiligungen
ORGÆNIC Lifestyle / ORGÆNIC Salon Chemnitz