Wohin mit all dem Zeux

Action week for the sustainable use of materials

A cluttered storage room filled with various rolls and bundles of fabric in different colors, stacked on shelves and piled on the floor. A metal ladder is positioned in the center, amid the packed materials, indicating a busy textile space.
A cluttered storage room filled with various rolls and bundles of fabric in different colors, stacked on shelves and piled on the floor. A metal ladder is positioned in the center, amid the packed materials, indicating a busy textile space.
Cr: Peter Rossner

Stage sets, display cases, red carpets, trade-show booths, industry remnants – many materials end up at the recycling center far too soon. Through workshops and lectures, Zeux, a Subbotnik e.V. initiative, generates creative ideas for the sustainable use of scrap materials. Individual products and new perspectives emerge and demonstrate that perceived things of the past have more-than-material value.

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.