
The #3000Garagen (in English #3000Garages) project presents the approximately 30,000 garages in Chemnitz, most of which were built collectively and by the people themselves during the GDR era, as living archives, creative spaces and meeting places.

In artistic projects, the individual stories of the garage users are conveyed and creatively transformed against the backdrop of Chemnitz's city history, while festivals, workshops and art events activate the garage courtyards as socio-cultural community spaces.


More information

Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka

Ann-Kathrin Ntokalou
Curatorial Assistant & Project Manager

Michelle Auerbach
Project Assistant

Benjamin Gruner helped set up and design the project from 2022 to 2023.

E-mail: 3000garagen(at)chemnitz2025.de
Phone: +4937133563102

Since 2023, cultural formats of various shapes and sizes have been realised in the garage courtyards. If you are interested in the project, please get in touch with us.

Chemnitz garages - keep your eyes open!

They are 3 m × 6 m × 2.80 m in size, arranged in single or double rows and often grouped together to form larger complexes. Most are made of concrete slabs, some of corrugated iron: garages. Originally built collectively in this form in the former socialist countries, garage yards still characterize the cityscape of many Eastern European cities today.

In Chemnitz, too, there are now an estimated 30,000 garages in all kinds of urban locations. Many are used to park cars or store forgotten family treasures, while others are used for tinkering, barbecuing and chatting with neighbors.

Garages have long been places for private retreats and social gatherings. Start-ups and crazy ideas were born in garages, and numerous bands originated here. But what does the view of society from the garage look like today, what stories do the objects hidden there tell, what knowledge and skills are hidden in the garages and what potential do they have for the future of our cities in times of resource scarcity and an emerging circular economy? The #3000Garagen project also wants to find out together with the participating artists and Chemnitz residents.



Culture begins where people shape their environment together and lay the foundations for peaceful, creative coexistence through seemingly banal customs. Garage courtyards are such places - places of community, daily history and creative handicrafts.

Nothing can happen in the garage courtyards without the interest and commitment of the users. from the beginning to the implementation of the projects, #3000Garages is geared towards active participation. Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH organizes the projects and events in the courtyards and then implements them together with interested parties and garage users.



Vernissage: "Ersatzteillager" by Martin Maleschka

Museum für sächsische Fahrzeuge

Exhibition Main programme

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).