Mourning for employee of the European Youth Capital Lviv 2025 who died in Russian missile attack

The Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH team is deeply shocked by the news of the death of 21-year-old Yaryna Bazylevych, who lost her life in a Russian airstrike on the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on 4 September 2024.

Yaryna Bazylevych was a project manager at the European Youth Capital 2025 "Lviv - European Youth Capital 2025" and was in personal contact with various people in Chemnitz. The colleagues from the Chemnitz 2025 Generation team have had several opportunities to meet Yaryna in Lviv and elsewhere over the past two years. Yaryna worked for the youth organisation Tvory, which was founded to implement the Youth Capital and is also a partner of the "enter - Young Cultural Region Chemnitz" project. 
Our deepest sympathy goes to Yaryna's family and her colleagues from "Tvory" and "Lviv - European Youth Capital 2025". We condemn the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in the strongest possible terms.

"We have got to know Yaryna personally on various occasions in recent years. We are deeply shocked by her death. It is hard to bear how the war overshadows the everyday lives of young people in Ukraine. This makes it all the more important that we show our solidarity by working with "Lviv - European Youth Capital 2025" and supporting young Ukrainians in Lviv. With her work for the 'Tvory' youth network, Yaryna has opened up development opportunities and creative freedom for numerous young people in Lviv," say Julia Palarz and Christian Knaack, Team Generation of Chemnitz 2025.

This summer, the first international summer school of the "enter - Young Cultural Region Chemnitz" project took place in the European Youth Capital Ghent 2024, with participants from Chemnitz and Lviv, among others.
Last year, employees from the European Youth Capital Lviv team took part in the first re:generation conference, a Chemnitz 2025 project, to share their experiences. They will also be invited to Chemnitz for the next edition of this symposium on 26 and 27 October 2024.

The NSH Group
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European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).