The European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 is taking part in the "Points of light against forgetting" campaign, an appeal by the "Chemnitz for Humanity" alliance to commemorate the Jews who were victims of Nazi violence.
During the Reichspogromnacht from 9 to 10 November 1938, synagogues and shops were destroyed throughout Germany, people were arrested and later deported. We are setting a point of light to remember and to remind people that we must not tolerate anti-Semitism.
The following initiatives and organisations are taking part in the campaign:
Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Museum Gunzenhauser, Stadtteilpiloten, Buntmacher*innen, Haus der Kulturen, Open Space Chemnitz, Universitätsbibliothek, Human Aid Collective, Stadtteilmanagement Innenstadt, Weltecho, Wohnungsnotfallhilfe Stadtmission Chemnitz, Bürgerplattform Chemnitz-Mitte, Kirchgemeinde St. Stephan, DGB, NDC, Jewish Community Chemnitz, Bürgerhaus City, Kinder- und Jugendhaus UK, Bürgerplattform Chemnitz Süd, SPD Chemnitz, Asa-ff, Die Linke Chemnitz, Kinder- und Jugendhaus UK, Bürgerplattform Chemnitz Süd, Lern- und Gedenkort Kaßberggefängnis, Aufstehen gegen Rassismus, AJZ, Gute Zieten e. V., the office of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 GmbH, Bündnis90/Die Grünen Chemnitz, Einsiedel Grammar School, Friedenskirche.