Volunteer report: re:generation conference 2024

Photo: Katrin und Jens Grasselt

Katrin and Jens live in Chemnitz. Katrin works as a clerk, while Jens is employed at a petrol station. Both are very interested in the positive development of their home town of Chemnitz and would like to make a small contribution to this. Thanks to their experience as volunteers in various areas, they are open-minded and communicative. They have already successfully utilised these qualities in numerous volunteer assignments.

On 26 and 27 October 2024, Team Generation organised the second re:generation conference.

We worked as volunteers on 27 October 2024 and were once again impressed by the incredible industrial architecture and atmosphere of the venue: the Wirkbau.

Our main task was to welcome the guests. It was great to see that both young people and older people were interested in the conference. The fact that visitors of different nationalities took part also gave us a glimpse of 2025.

Further refreshing of dormant English skills will certainly be an advantage, but sometimes a smile is enough to communicate. And we also showed us ourselves the way to the excellent buffet. Of course, we also took the opportunity to listen to various presentations and the band's music.

On our outreach day, there was a report from the "Institute for Grey Energy", which used various examples to illustrate in a very interesting way how the generations can work together, learn from each other and benefit from the conservation and revitalisation of brownfield sites, for example. It is a good idea if the younger generation, which has the necessary power and good ideas, can utilise the knowledge of older people in the redevelopment of such buildings or areas. In this way, it may be possible to achieve great results by young and old working together.

The presentation about the over-70s choir "Heaven Can Wait" was also very interesting and entertaining.

It was inspiring to hear from the director of this choir how the singers - all over 70 years old - dare to approach the music of their grandchildren, thus giving the sounds and, above all, the lyrics of musicians such as Peter Fox or Marteria a completely new perspective and thus captivating generations at the concerts. A great project!

Both presentations received much applause from the guests present.

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.