Volunteer Report: Kosmos" festival

Photo: Andrea Oelsner

Andrea lives in Chemnitz. Before retiring, she worked as a teacher. As a result, she has a good feel for language and an eye for detail - all qualities that she brings to the volunteer editorial team of Chemnitz 2025.

70,000 visitors around the Schlossteich in a single day! Chemnitz can celebrate! And we were right in the middle of it all with our fun Capital of Culture 2025 information stand. Built by creative students from Halle (an der Saale), it looks like an oversized handcart with a very long drawbar, the structure is reminiscent of a Punch and Judy show and its weight does not allow it to be easily moved over long distances. But Dirk had already thought of something, built a coupling on his bike, attached the stand and set off at 11.30 a.m. from the office in the direction of the festival meadow. Anyone who now thinks that he was travelling by bike is entirely wrong. The design of this cart and the connection to the bike meant that it could only be pushed and pulled by hand with the support of everyone involved. And that in summer temperatures! Every bump in the road, every unevenness along the way, was a challenge. But with a little forethought and care, we mastered it together. The good thing was that the "designers" had thought of attaching lockable compartments and bags. As a result, we were able to move into our location at around noon without losing any materials and having a lot of fun, informing visitors to the festival about the "Capital of Culture 2025" theme that was close to our hearts and recruiting volunteers. Our shift ended at 3 pm, by which time we had had some interesting conversations and were able to gather almost exclusively positive impressions.

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).