PURPLE PATH art and sculpture trail

presents contemporary sculptures permanently and tells stories from Chemnitz and 38 municipalities in the region

The PURPLE PATH connects the citizens of Chemnitz with each other and with the people of 38 towns and municipalities in the region. A sustainably designed sculpture museum is being created in public spaces between Mittweida and Schwarzenberg, Glauchau and Seiffen, Freiberg and Schneeberg. Stars of the contemporary art scene such as Leiko Ikemura, Monika Sosnowska, Jeppe Hein or Michael Sailstorfer meet significant artists from Saxony such as Jana Gunstheimer, Via Lewandowsky and documenta artist Olaf Holzapfel. Chemnitz-based artists such as Johann Belz, Gregor-Torsten Kozik or Michael Morgner remain largely unknown in the West. Their works encounter international classics such as those by Rebecca Horn, who died in 2024, Daniel Buren and James Turrell.

The PURPLE PATH becomes a storyteller: Beneath the surface of the installed artworks, an unknown history of the region is being written, a narrative of mining and industry, Exploitation and profit, marginalisation and solidarity, as well as a story of precarity and innovation that continues to this day. Works by more than 60 artists can be found on industrial wasteland, at railway stations, on riverbanks or even in the still waters of a millrace. They enter into a dialogue with farming and textile museums and form connections with castles or old churches, their organs and artworks. Sometimes they also appear in illustrious nooks and crannies of UNESCO-protected old towns, which provide context and offer many voices as narrators of this history. Walkers along the PURPLE PATH travel down marked country roads or use a well-functioning network of buses and trains; visitors cycle through landscapes shaped by mining, often with wonderful soft contours, or hike from artwork to artwork through thick forests along wild rivers. The colour purple is associated with inspiration, creativity, magic and transformation. A new path will be laid across the region by 2025 - and will continue far beyond.


11.-13 April: Opening weekend

Decentralised exhibition in Chemnitz and the region. Individual works can be seen before the official opening in April.

↷ Map of all works and locations

Alexander Ochs

Julianne-Ingrid Csapo
Project management

Susan Börner
Project management

Kathrin Barwinek
Curatorial Assistance

The works of art

Uli Aigner: One Million Item 3501 and 3502
Nevin Aladağ: Colour Floating
Stijn Ank: Endless Column
Alice Aycock: Twister Again
Tony Cragg: Stack

Aue-Bad Schlema

Gregor Gaida: Polygonales Pferd II
Jay Gard: Plywood
Jeppe Hein: Modified Social Bench for Jahnsdorf #1
Olaf Holzapfel: Zwei in ein ander Gewobene
Friedrich Kunath: Include Me Out
Caroline Mesquita: Motorbike, Medusa Motorbike


Wilhelm Mundt: Trashstone 689
Bettina Pousttchi: 42 days


Tanja Rochelmeyer: Glance
Michael Sailstorfer: Fließgleichgewicht


Das Bild zeigt eine Nahaufnahme eines Backsteingebäudes mit mehreren Fenstern, die teilweise von einer freistehenden modernen Metallskulptur im Vordergrund verdeckt werden. Der Himmel ist klar und blau.
Leunora Salihu: Bogen
Karolin Schwab: My Floating Home


Sean Scully: Coin Stack 2
Carl Emanuel Wolff: Wildschweine


Iskender Yediler: Ohne Titel (ESDA)


Temporary installations

Richard Long: Petrified Wood Circle
Eine Bronzeskulptur eines Kaninchens mit langen Ohren steht im Freien, umgeben von verschwommenen Bäumen und einem weichen, gedämpften Hintergrund.
Leiko Ikemura: Usagi Greeting (180)



Rebecca Horn: The Universe in a Pearl
Interventions in Lent
Eine Holzskulptur aus zwei abstrakten menschlichen Figuren, die übereinander sitzen. Die Figuren haben verlängerte Gliedmaßen und vereinfachte Gesichtszüge, die vor einem unscharfen Hintergrund stehen, was dem Bild eine mysteriöse und kontemplative Atmosphäre verleiht.
Annaberger Impuls I and II
A person in traditional pilgrim attire, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat and white tunic, stands with their back to the camera. They hold a lantern in one hand and a two-pronged fork in the other against a dark background.
Corina Gertz: The averted portrait
Till Brönner: MELTING POTT
A scenic campsite with white tents is set up on a grassy field surrounded by trees. The sky is blue with scattered clouds. White illustrations of insects and a small animal are superimposed on the image, creating a whimsical atmosphere.
Miriquidi - Kids in the Forest
A large wooden barrel with metal bands is propped on its side in a forest clearing. An old tractor tire rests nearby. Surrounding the scene are leafless trees and brown grass, indicating late autumn or early winter.
Sleep Well!
A pattern of cream and purple arrows pointing in various directions on a green background. The arrows are arranged in a zigzag and intertwining design, creating a sense of movement.
John Cage: Museumcircle
Angel + Miner
Black and white photo of a person with short, wavy hair, wearing a patterned apron over a dark long-sleeve shirt. They stand in an industrial setting, possibly a workshop, with machinery and storage units in the background.
A farmer stands among a herd of cows in a sunlit field, with rolling hills and clear blue sky in the background. The golden hour lighting enhances the serene rural landscape.
Anastasia Khoroshilova
A craftsman in a white apron stands at a workbench holding scissors, with leather pieces spread out. Behind him are shelves displaying various gloves and a cabinet with multiple drawers.
Donata Wenders: Ode to the craft
The Mittweida - Sukkot




Exhibition: John Young - Bonhoeffer in Harlem

Chemnitz, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church

Exhibition Church of Culture

Interventionen zur Passion: Gisela Polster

Schneeberg, Hospitalkirche

Exhibition Installation

Interventionen zur Passion: Michael Endlicher

Zwickau, Dom St. Marien

Exhibition Installation

Interventionen zur Passion: Isabell Borges

Zöblitz, Stadtkirche

Exhibition Installation

Interventionen zur Passion: Brigitte Schwacke

Mittweida, Stadtkirche "Unser lieben Frauen"

Exhibition Installation

Interventionen zur Passion: Katja Lang

Stollberg, Katholische Kirche St. Marien

Exhibition Installation

Interventionen zur Passion: Jessica Buhlmann

Frankenberg, Dorfkirche Langenstriegis

Elderly people Exhibition

Interventionen zur Passion: Michael Morgner

Freiberg, Dom St. Marien

Exhibition Installation

Artwork "PETRIFIED WOOD CIRCLE" by Richard Long in Freiberg Cathedral

St Mary's Cathedral


Mountain speech: Edith Stein - Patroness of Europe

Wechselburg, Meeting Centre

Education Dialogue

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.