PURPLE PATH art and sculpture trail

The PURPLE PATH art and sculpture trail will showcase works by renowned international, national and Saxon artists. The result is an exhibition in public space that tells the story of people, craftsmanship and industry and invites visitors to discover these stories.
"Everything comes from the mountain" is the narrative of the PURPLE PATH. 850 years of mining have deeply characterised the landscapes around Chemnitz - the Ore Mountains, Central Saxony and the Zwickau region. The mining of silver, tin, cobalt, iron, kaolin and uranium has shaped life. The PURPLE PATH connects Chemnitz and the partner municipalities in the surrounding area with sculptures and installations that refer to their shared past.
11.-13 April: Opening weekend
Decentralised exhibition in Chemnitz and the region. Individual works can be seen before the official opening in April.
Alexander Ochs
Julianne-Ingrid Csapo
Project management
Susan Börner
Project management
Kathrin Barwinek
Curatorial Assistance
E-mail: purplepath(at)chemnitz2025.de