ZADA Pilot Project
An exhibition trail that invites visitors to experience, realise and take a stand

ZADA - The German Centre for a Society without Anti-Semitism, Discrimination and Exclusion' is creating a new experience-oriented approach to the personal confrontation with prejudice, conspiracy narratives, populism, fake news and anti-Semitism with the ZADA pilot project in Chemnitz in the Capital of Culture year 2025. The audiovisual exhibition tour ‘Challenge Your Perception’ focuses on self-reflection of one's own thought and action patterns and how these can be controlled. The aim of the immersive experience is for visitors to learn to improve their self-assessment, correctly evaluate everyday information and improve their communication skills by gaining new insights. And that they feel encouraged to actively stand up for pro-social action and social cohesion as well as against anti-Semitism and other ideologies of inequality in the future.
When: 1 September to 30 November 2025
Where? Location to be announced