ZADA Pilot Project

An exhibition trail that invites visitors to experience, realise and take a stand

Illustration: Ulrike Schell (Bikini Kommando)

ZADA - The German Centre for a Society without Anti-Semitism, Discrimination and Exclusion' is creating a new experience-oriented approach to the personal confrontation with prejudice, conspiracy narratives, populism, fake news and anti-Semitism with the ZADA pilot project in Chemnitz in the Capital of Culture year 2025. The audiovisual exhibition tour ‘Challenge Your Perception’ focuses on self-reflection of one's own thought and action patterns and how these can be controlled. The aim of the immersive experience is for visitors to learn to improve their self-assessment, correctly evaluate everyday information and improve their communication skills by gaining new insights. And that they feel encouraged to actively stand up for pro-social action and social cohesion as well as against anti-Semitism and other ideologies of inequality in the future.

When: 1 September to 30 November 2025

Where? Location to be announced

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.