ZADA Pilot Project
An exhibition trail that invites visitors to experience, realise and take a stand

In its pilot project, ZADA – The German Centre for a Society without Anti-Semitism, Discrimination and Exclusion is creating a new ex- perience-oriented approach to personal confrontation with prejudice, conspiracy theories, populism, fake news and anti-Semitism in Chemnitz in the Capital of Culture year 2025. At the heart of the resulting interactive trail is the in- dividual’s own perception and how it can be influenced. Through the knowledge that visitors gain, the immersive experience aims to give them the courage to take an active stand for social cohesion in the future. A second element of the project consists of preparatory participatory event formats – programmes for a broad group of participants.
When: 1 September to 30 November 2025
Where? Location to be announced