Orchestra New Chemnitz

The story of the development of the song "Chemnitz - Karl-Marx-Stadt - New Chemnitz Capital of Culture", which has become the unofficial anthem of the Capital of Culture, is told musically. It will be performed by the 30-piece New Chemnitz Orchestra.
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An orchestra has been formed for this purpose - the New Chemnitz Orchestra. It consists of musicians from Chemnitz as well as musicians from different countries. They interpreted the song in their own way and wrote some of their own verses.

This song has a long history behind it. It originated in 2012 when many young people had left the city and was then simply called "Chemnitz - Karl-Marx-Stadt - everybody knows the history" to encourage young people to reconsider leaving.
When the Chemnitz cultural scene was asked by the then mayor Barbara Ludwig in 2017 whether we wanted to apply for the title of Capital of Culture, we were there, said yes and supported it, because our credo has always been: cultural exchange, encounters and coming together.
And now, 8 years later, we are still here with the belief in a city where people can live without prejudice and xenophobia.

After the events in August 2018, which catapulted Chemnitz into a year of ZERO, the song turned out to be very important again, as it strengthened the side of "We are more" and stood for "Chemnitz is neither grey nor brown".
When it became clear in 2020 that Chemnitz would hold the title of European Capital of Culture, we realised that this would be the springboard for Chemnitz to become New Chemnitz and the lyrics were expanded to "Chemnitz - Karl-Marx-Stadt - New Chemnitz Capital of Culture".

This intercultural orchestra New Chemnitz was created, which also developed the song musically through the composition of Michael Fröhlich. The unseen is made audible, because we are open, diverse and colourful. We see this anthem as a gift to our beloved hometown and also as a gift to the Capital of Culture.

more information

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is cofinanced by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media), as well as funds from the City of Chemnitz.