re:generation conference 2024

The conference of generations

Event information

Date & Time


entrance free, registration is requested

The second re:generation conference will take place in Chemnitz from 26 to 27 October 2024. This year's event will focus on urban development, the intergenerational participation of young and old and the Team Generation programme announcement for Chemnitz 2025. Scientists will present the latest research findings. Experts and partners will discuss the narratives and concepts of Team Generation in various panels and workshops.

Re:generation is an interdisciplinary platform that makes it possible to explore the many facets of the topic of generation. How does co-operation between young and old influence the development of a city? What tasks and challenges do we face? What role do culture and art play in this process? These and other questions will be at the centre of the conference.

Saturday, 26 October "The Generation Programme - What young and old can expect in the European Capital of Culture."

  • 11 am: Keynote speech by Manouchehr Shamsriszi (founder of GameLab Humboldt University Berlin, gaming consultant at the Federal Foreign Office) "Playing through new territory: digitality and society in demographic change"
  • 12 am: Presentation of the Chemnitz Generation team & programme partners
  • 12.30 am: Lunch Break
  • 1.45 am: UPLIFT: Strategies for the participation of disadvantaged young people - What can the Capital of Culture learn from this?
  • 2.30 pm: Panel discussion in cooperation with Katapult magazine "Put down roots or set sail? How we shape home through self-efficacy." With the Chemnitz actress Luise Emilie Tscherisch, Vanessa Beyer from the project (K)Einheit - Wie die Gen Z über den Osten denkt, Manouchehr Shamsriszi and Erik Leichter from the project Slam25 - Die Internationale Meisterschaften im Deutschsprachigen Poetry Slam
  • 3.30 pm: Speed networking with the participants
  • 4.30 pm: Team Generation "The Generation Programme for Chemnitz 2025" - The projects introduce themselves.
  • 6.00 pm : Refuge Worldwide Artist-Talk: "Mentorship, Ageism, and the Impact of Intergenerational Collaboration on Cultural Change" Moderated by Nicky Boehm
  • 7.00 pm: Closing words and finale with DJ

Sunday, 27 October "How to: Inspire generations for your city through cultural work."

  • 10 am: International brunch
  • 10.30 am: Opening by the band "Theodor"
  • 11 am: Keynote speech by the Institute for Grey Energy "Industrial wasteland or identification space? Dealing with and interpreting different generations"
  • 11.30 am: How intergenerational participation succeeds: good practice examples from Europe. Intergenerational: "Grannies" theatre project with young and older people from the Igralke Group, Rijeka, Croatia
  • Older people: "Heaven Can Wait" choir project with people over 70
  • Young people: "Majales" festival, organised by young people since 2004, Budweis, Czech Republic
  • 12.30 am: Lunch break
  • 1.30 pm: Interlude "Theodor"
  • 1.45 pm: Panel discussion "Age is just a number?! How to lead successful intergenerational practice." With Tim Kuball from Chemnitz University of Technology, European Capital of Culture Tartu2024, Pochen Biennale, European Youth Capital Lviv2025, and the Igralke and Majales projects
  • 3 pm: Workshop: "How to Chemnitz 2025: What do I expect, what can I do?"
  • 4 pm: Closing words and final concert "Theodor"

Moderation: Gottfried Haufe

The conference is being organised in cooperation with the Pochen Biennale at Wirkbau Chemnitz. The youth exhibition of the Pochen Biennale can be visited on both days.

Food and drinks will be available on site.

All programme items will be held in German/English or English/German and translated live.

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The re:generation conference is a platform on which Team Generation would like to discuss topics such as intergenerational work in art and culture as well as demographic change in a European context. As part of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025, Team Generation is entrusted with the participation of children, young people, young adults and older people and is developing a programme that takes up and combines their perspectives.

European Capital of Culture The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Free State of Saxony European Capital of Culture

This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the parliamentary budget of the state of Saxony and by federal funds from the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).