Makers, Business & Arts

The Makers, Business & Arts project builds bridges between creative makers, art, business and tourism. The programme develops offers for overarching collaboration, promotes the development of creative locations and is committed to the expansion of creative tourism. To this end, it works in the three sub-projects Tourism:creative, Makerhubs and Economy:creative.
The project is being organised by the Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e. V. with funding from the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH.
Josephine Hage
Curator Makers, Business & Arts
Nina Rüb
Communication Makers, Business & Arts
Stefanie Abelmann
Event Management Makers, Business & Arts
Selina Eckstein
Event Assistance Makers, Business & Arts
Lisa Laser
Project Management Makers, Business & Arts
Laura Tzschätzsch
Network Manager Makerhubs
E-mail: mba(at)
Nine Makerhubs in Chemnitz and the Capital of Culture region will become places where people can learn from each other and create something new together. in the Capital of Culture year 2025, there will be a major event in each Makerhub where visitors can get creative themselves - be it with handicraft activities, new technologies, cooking or gardening.