Singing across borders
Two choirs sing songs of resistancy

In a democracy, we enjoy artistic freedom in almost every aspect of our lives. But today, as in the past, a song remains a medium of reassuring ourselves that we stand together against dictatorship. And songs against oppression are international. The choir HEART CHOR from Annaberg-Buchholz and the Septem Cantet from Klášterec nad Ohří have discovered shared themes in their repertoire of songs of resistance. They are unearthing songs from their local regions, reflecting on historical contexts and discovering the songs and cultural heritage of Europe’s border areas. Rehearsals will take place at the Sayda Youth Hostel. The 28 singers will present the results of their work at a joint concert at the Industriemuseum Chemnitz.
When? 26. April 2025
Where? Industrial Museum Chemnitz